You’re Not Helping When You Give Panhandlers Your Cash

Did you know panhandling is unhealthy for the panhandler, and it is unhealthy for the community. When you give panhandlers your cash, it reinforces the behavior.

I know you think you’re helping when you slip $20 to a stranger, standing at the intersection holding a sign asking for cash for food or rent.

You’re not.

The reality is that giving to them is more about how it makes you feel than bringing lasting change or restoration to those who are struggling.

Our community is filled with resources and services that support their diverse needs. Some do not want to seek services from “systems.” They struggle to adhere to structural norms that conventional services require. Others work more deliberately, even within a small community of the unhoused, and share their daily draw over more conventional employment.

But do not judge. Addiction and mental health illness are often at the core of their actions.

The solution is supporting social services like what YWCA Central Indiana provides.

Panhandling is illegal in Indiana but an attempt a few years ago to broaden the statute was rejected as a Constitutional violation of the right to free speech. Increasingly, however, state legislatures are introducing bills to make it illegal to give to panhandlers. Legislation is pending in Louisiana and Florida, for example.

Policing the matter is challenging, as well.

What you can do is be kind. Acknowledge the individual standing at your window with a nod and a smile. Provide them with food or warm clothing over cash.

The problem of the unhoused is only growing more challenging. We need your support more than ever. Last year, YWCA Central Indiana doubled the number of women served year-over-year.

Homelessness is not an illness or a condition. It is a moment in time. Take a moment of your time to show empathy when you’re approached, perhaps direct individuals to services like ours and support our cause with what you would give to the panhandler. We’re making a difference and so can you.

Be well.