Did You Go Hungry This Week?
Today marks the beginning of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, and we’re starting it with two questions:
Have you gone hungry in the past week?
Have you gone without a place to stay in the past week?
If you answered no to these two questions then you are outside of the 610,000+ individuals that find themselves with no home any given night in the United States. This awareness week falls prior to Thanksgiving as an opportunity to reflect on the things we are all grateful for, and show compassion for others within our community that may not be as fortunate. So, what are you grateful for?
“A safe place to live. I could be on the streets.”
“That I will be moving soon and that God has helped me through this process.”
“Having this shelter and the ability to keep my good spirit.”
-Current YWCA residents
Facing the reality that homelessness is such a prevalent issue is hard! It’s even harder to face that it is happening right here in your backyard. Our job at the YWCA, and as a part of this community, is to give the support and hope needed to empower these women to get back on their feet.
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is meant only as a starting point. A week is not enough to educate nor solve any problems, but it is the chance to get the conversation started. Change starts with you. Push past the surface and understand the realities of homelessness.
Volunteer. Donate. Join us.